The Glory of Spring/Summer Unfolds. Mazda Grand Prix Auto Racing Makes Us Even
Cooler Than We Already Are. Housing Slump? What Housing Slump? We Don't
See No Housing Slump. |
News Roundup
Nothing surprises me anymore. Not anything.
Maybe it's the decades in advertising that has dulled my senses. Or
maybe it's the sales guy in the tool department at Sears with flame
tattoos up his neck. Or maybe it's the two high school girls making
out in the first row of the Spiderman movie. I don't know. What was
once shocking is no longer shocking in the least. Marilyn Manson?
So what. Transvestite porn? Seen it. Third graders plotting to take
their teacher hostage? That is so first quarter. Nothing raises an
eyebrow anymore. Not mine anyway. So recently I got to wondering,
what is it that could really, you know, take me over the edge? Well,
I couldn't think of anything so I took a nap. When I woke up, I realized
I'd dreamt what it was that I needed to "feel" again. I dreamt that
the Mattress World people did a commercial that took more thought
than swiping a bunch of lame cliche's, dropping $500 on production
and running the holy crap out of it on a daily basis. But it was only
a dream. If they'd only read the Magneto Quick Reference Guide
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