Let The Haunting And Howling Begin.
Man Found Wandering Alone In North
Plains Woods, Talks Incoherently.
If the actor had only remembered his lines, we could have gotten in a round at Pumpkin Ridge.
When The Northwest Gas Association found itself faced with rising prices and constricted supply options, they asked Magneto to develop an ad campaign that created awareness and started the dialog for exploring new methods of bringing natural gas to the region. Made up of 6 energy utilities in Oregon and Washington, NWGA asked us to create messaging to help people get engaged in the energy discussion and learn about the entire energy picture. The awareness campaign included two television spots, two radio spots and two print ads that ran throughout Oregon and Washington. We shot the TV spots on two beautiful late summer days in the woods outside of North Plains and in Portland's Pearl District. Unfortunately, our talent, who in the end came off as very credible, could not remember his lines to save his life. That of course, is what editing is for. SEE
News Roundup BRAND POOBAH Uh oh! Looks like rain. It must be Halloween in Oregon. Precipitation and Halloween are age old companions and always will be I suppose. But you know, the way we celebrate All Hallows Eve has sure changed. Why, I remember back in the old days when I could hand out miniature liquor bottles and sample packs of Winstons to the trick-or-treaters, wearing only a Wonder Woman mask and a leather Speedo. Nothing like a fine Tennessee bourbon and sweet Carolina tobacco as a break from those hum-drum trick or treat goodies, eh? Apparently the neighborhood no longer appreciates my alternative approach to promoting juvenile tooth decay, so now I hand out Purel hand sanitizer and answer the door with my pants on. What's all this have to do with marketing? Hell, I don't know. But what I do know is that this is the one time of year when you might see Mr. Peanut holding hands with Jacki Onassis or The Incredible Hulk tipping a glass of beer with Dr. Phil. What the heck, you might even see an Obama jello wrestling with a McCain. Anything can happen. That's why I ask that this Halloween you be safe, don't take candy from strangers and remember to clear the way for the old man rushing for the can after he's had one too many Apple Martinis. |