Facebook. LinkedIn. Twitter. Magneto.
How to stalk people without facing another restraining order.
MAGNETO HQ - Salutations, dear Magneto compatriots. Greetings to all our old analog buddies and a big, sloppy HELLO to all you new, interesting, sexy digital acquaintances that have found us through Twitter, Facebook or some other nifty social network. As you old timers know, Magneto has been thought of as a creative shop that cares about its craft and produces great brand work for its clients. Well, we still do that stuff, only now we've added another weapon to our awesome arsenal of advertising artistry: Social Media. Yes, we know, everyone's doing it (it's overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the Web) and we're not trying to say that we're all experts in social media but heck, why shouldn't we jump on the bandwagon? It's fun. It's fresh. It keeps us up on the happening scene. That's how we like to roll, baby.
So what we're doing is encouraging you with our disarming charm to join the growing number of uber savvy and follow us on Twitter and be a fan of our Facebook page. And to make you actually do it we're giving away a pair of Trailblazer tickets. Seats are awesome. And there are 3 ways to win! All you have to do is 1.) Find and click on the secret hidden Blazer ticket area somewhere on this page and you're entered. 2.) Then, for an added chance at winning, follow our in-house Madman Buzz Winkle on Twitter @Buzz_Winkle. 3.) And then, for even one more chance, friend us on Facebook. If you're so unlucky as to not win with all those chances, then we advise you to stay away from the casino. Mucho gusto and good luck!
Krieg Thumbtwister, Editor
Our Blog Kicks Your Blog's Ass
Check it out for action-packed fun the whole family will enjoy.
Look, we're just cavemen. We don't
know anything about those highfalutin Internet weblogs that use big words and fancy phrases. But what we do know is that life is way too short. That's why we came up with a blog that's entertaining and irreverent. Want a blog that tackles the tough issues? Go elsewhere. Need a blog for last minute shopping tips? Bite it. This blog serves hard drinks to men who want to get drunk fast. But we digress. Check out the new Magneto blog at magnetoworks.com/blog or click on the above picture to read the blog post "A Day In The Life of Mike Terry". P.S. If you can guess how many items were not in the original photograph, you'll get one additional entry into the Blazers ticket giveaway.
Cow Seen Roaming Convention Center
NW Natural Smart Energy "Climate Cow" exhibit explains the power of manure. You can almost smell the energy.
A wildly painted cow now inhabits the main hall of the Oregon convention Center. It's purpose is to explain how cow manure can be turned into energy. With the talents of Dot Zero Design and Reide Signs, Magneto created this groovy informative exhibit to promote Smart Energy complete with a cow pie near the rear end of the display. Don't worry. It's not real. Though we did examine many actual pies to get a real look and feel.
News Roundup

by Buzz Winkle
A year or so ago I was back East visiting my half-sister Mildred. She lives in a dreary doublewide with 9 cats near a railroad depot. Let's just say she never quite lived up to her potential. Anyway, her nephew Dwayne-who also got the short end of the ambition stick-was staying at the trailer as well, but after four hours had yet to present himself to the light of day. When I inquired as to the indolent youth's whereabouts, Mildred replied that he was "probably twittering his girlfriend." Now, I'm no prude but I couldn't help think that her attitude was a might cavalier regarding the implied carnal behavior, considering the close quarters and all. Needless to say, my appall dissipated upon learning the true meaning of "Twittering". Jump ahead a year
and yours truly is Tweeting a sea of Tweets to the betterment of society. Yes, the old dog has learned a new trick. Now I regularly tweet about branding, cool design finds, safety measures, flash mobs and anything absurd, strange or curious that strikes my peculiar fancy.
Want to be one of the cool tweeple? Join the Buzz Army. Follow me at @Buzz_Winkle.

Get enlightened. Get the Magneto Quick Reference Guide to Brand Wisdom. Email Buzz Winkle at buzz@magnetoworks.com
