It seems the older I get the more I’m amazed by technology. For instance, the Internet has replaced the Magic 8 Ball as the # 1 resource for answers to people’s questions. Who saw that coming? And what about the iPad potentially replacing the laptop? Jeepers. I swear my laptop just replaced my desktop and now I'm supposed to replace it with an iPad? I know a guy that always needs the
latest gadget–whether it works or not. He blows a lot of dough on tech stuff because he has to have it the day it comes out. It's ludicrous. I usually like to wait five years for the price to drop. Once though, I got talked into buying a blue tooth ear bud when it was hot off the presses. It was top-of-the-line, brand-spanking-new and it worked like crap from day one.
Then on day 4, I lost it. Best Buy's idea to buy back the "old" technology they sold you a few months ago is interesting…if you don't mind losing 50% of your investment in 6 months. Jeez. Slow down people. Slow down.