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New NW Natural “Blue” Campaign
March 29, 2011  |  by Magneto Brand Advertising

“Blue” is finally here.

“Blue”? What is Blue, you ask? Blue is energy that we can count on, one that’s cleaner and more affordable. Blue is reliable to warm our water, cook our food and heat our homes. Blue is economical, abundant and kinder to the environment. NW Natural Blue Energy. AKA: natural gas from long-time client NW Natural.

This shiny new Magneto-created campaign has just broken with print, outdoor, transit, interactive and television components. The campaign depicts all the benefits natural gas provides its users and how it enhances their lives. It’s a fresh way to present the brand, just in time for Spring!

On the promotional side, we developed the “Go Blue, Stay Cozy Video Challenge”. This is a contest where you can upload a short video depicting your heating woes and possibly win a high-efficiency natural gas furnace and tankless water heater package  worth over $10,000! Submit a video. Do it! You could win! If you decide not to do a video, visit the site anyway and vote on your favorite. The contest ends this week, better hurry.

Did you see our “Blue” campaign around town, on TV or in a publication? Let us know!






