Things Magneto Likes: Jelly Bellies, strong coffee, cat videos, advertising and marketing for good causes.
French grocery store Intermarché identified a few problems regarding food waste and fixed them with a clever marketing strategy.
Problem 1: Produce is expensive, making it difficult for low-income families to eat well.
Problem 2: 300 million tons of food is discarded each year.
Among the discarded food are imperfect fruits and vegetables. The produce has the same nutritional value; it’s just a little misshapen and less likely to be purchased. Intermarché started stocking these “Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables” and selling them for 30% cheaper than the aesthetically pleasing produce.
To combat the stigma of buying what would otherwise be trash, Intermarché built upon the “Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables” campaign. Each kind of fruit or vegetable has its own personality, complete with bright in-store signage and placements. For the skeptics, Intermarché made soups and fruit juices using the misshapen produce to prove that there’s no difference in taste. The result? Intermarché moved 1.2 tons of imperfect fruits and vegetables per store in the first two days.
Typically, we wouldn’t suggest using the words “grotesque” or “hideous” when describing food in a campaign, but by facing the imperfections head on, buying this produce becomes a novelty, cheap and a good deed. Fantastic reviews on social media and press attention solidified “Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables” and its immediate success.
At Magneto, we think that compelling stories can come from brands that support their community. Telling these stories is a win-win situation: the outcome is a positive perception of the brand and the values it imparts by supporting the needs of its customers. At its core, strategic marketing is creative problem solving, like Intermarché’s strategy to reduce food waste.
We strive to provide our clients with solid brand strategies that connect them to their communities in a variety of ways. Do you need help telling your community-based brand story? Let us know by emailing us at!

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