In our last post you’ll remember we told you that a logo is not a brand. Well, it isn’t, but without a corporate identity you’re kind of sunk. In fact, we can’t think of any company that doesn’t use a logo to identify itself to its customers except illegal arms dealers, drug rings and of course, Craigslist. But we digress. Once you have done your soul searching, have your brand promise in place, and are putting the finishing touches on your marketing strategy, you had better get a logo.
Why spend time and money on a logo?
The value of a well thought out logo should not be underestimated. The fact that great brands generally have great logos should be an indicator. Your logo is often the first interaction customers have with your company. It lends credibility to your brand, it tells potential customers who you are and what you do, and it hints at your company’s personality. A logo is a graphic symbol that identifies and distinguishes your company from your competition. For these reasons, creating a logo that accurately represents you brand—and spending the time and money to do it—makes a lot of sense.
What’s in a logo?
Typically, a logo is made up of a mark and a logotype. The mark is a graphic symbol that gives its viewer a visual cue. The logotype is a typographical treatment of the company name. The mark and logotype are usually used in conjunction with one another, but often a company opts for a logotype only—think Kellogg’s, Coca Cola or Fed Ex. Rarely do you see marks standing alone, save for companies that have spent millions to support their widespread recognition, such as Nike, Starbucks or Apple. Prince tried it for a while. Didn’t work too well.
What’s makes a strong a logo?
Ask someone if they like their corporate logo and they will generally tell you that they are happy with it. Ask them why they like their logo and the reasons become subjective, because as we all know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The real strength of a logo depends on whether or not it meets some pretty tough criteria. When you evaluate a logo, ask yourself the following questions:
- Is it eye-catching?
- Does it have meaning?
- Is it relevant to the target?
- Is it unique and original feeling?
- Does it make a strong impression?
- Is it memorable?
- Is it simple?
- Will it stand the test of time, or is it merely just a trend?
- Does it look professional?
- Is it utilitarian and flexible?
If the logo meets the bulk of these criteria, it’s probably hitting close to the mark. If it meets all of the above? Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Are you ready to create a logo that really means something? It’s time to do the hard work. Find a professional design team that will work with you and offer several potential design options that meet your criteria in different ways. Do not settle for a few slight variations on a theme. There are many ways to skin a cat! (Sorry cat lovers.)
Run your potential designs through the gauntlet and see where they stand on the other end. See how they might be applied. And make sure they reflect your brand to the fullest. When you have vetted the designs, pick one and live with it. Now you have a symbol that stands for your brand—tangible evidence that you exist. From here you will build that brand into something special.
Stay tuned for our next installment: The Tagline.
Brand Advertising, Defined is a crash course in building brands, reaching key customers and improving brand awareness by Magneto Brand Advertising. Questions? Interested in working with us? We’re happy to help! Send all inquiries to

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