Okay, we’re no MythBusters. None of our employees look like walruses and we try to keep high-velocity objects at a minimum at Magneto World Headquarters. There is, however, one myth we want to debunk. The digital shift has drastically changed advertising and marketing. We’ll be the ones to say it: it’s not true. And here’s why:
The changes in marketing are based only in execution
Sure, marketing changes every day, but that’s only because new technology, new apps and what have you are coming out faster than we can keep track of them. But the rationale behind the marketing itself stays the same:
- Tell a story that makes an emotional connection that…
- Compels people to interact with and ultimately purchase from your brand.
That’s all marketing really is. We know that those two steps are bare bones. There are tons of mini-steps under both of them, but at the end of the day, brands are looking for increased interactions from their customers.
Strategizing where to promote your story
Any piece of marketing or advertising can live online – the trick is strategizing the where and how. TV commercials can have a second life as online video ads. Print ads are translated into banner ads or splash pages for your website. Social media is just a fancy term for interacting with your customers and treating them the way they want to be treated. The design elements, copywriting strategies and moreover, the importance of letting your brand’s story shine through stay the same regardless of where and how you promote your brand.
Thinking creatively in traditional and digital marketing
The trick to navigating marketing strategy these days is in putting your creative to work for you. Where can you place your creative campaigns to attract the most attention from the people you want it from? With literally no limits thanks to the ever-growing number of apps, websites and platforms, marketing is more involved than it ever has been. With a solid story and an airtight plan, it’s possible to elevate brands to new levels. What do you think? How does your company embrace digital marketing? Tweet us your take @MagnetoAgency! Need advice or some help with the legwork? Let us know!

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