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6 Things I Learned at PSU’s Digital Marketing Conference
December 14, 2010  |  by Magneto Brand Advertising

Top 6 Things I learned at PSU’s Digital Marketing Conference, held at the
Portland State University Campus in Lincoln Hall:

6.  Write a book to guarantee your spot as keynote speaker. Was this a book tour or marketing conference?

5.  Ignite Portland rocks! Brought some much needed energy to the conference and offered up some great presentations. Found out I’m only 6 steps away from retiring.

4.  A $199 registration fee doesn’t secure a spot in the workshop you came to the conference for in the first place. Nice. It’s like paying $250 to see the Milli Vanilli Reunion Tour and you get bounced by security before making it into the arena.

3.  Second Porch rules. If you don’t know about them, you should. Great vacation home rental site for homes you didn’t know you could rent. Didn’t know how to rent a beach home or mountain love shack? Now you do.

2.  My old college apartment building was renamed. From West Hall to Joseph C. Blumell Hall, yeah, that’s much better. My future wife’s car was broken into 3 times in two years. Never knew there was such a demand for Kraco Stereos.

1.  Only 3 creative agencies were there. Magneto, North and ID Branding. I guess the other agencies were at the Table Tent Palooza 2010, courtesy of Paper Mill.

