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Pinterest vs. Tumblr: the case for each
August 15, 2013  |  by Magneto Brand Advertising

Pinterest vs. Tumblr. Tumblr vs. Pinterest. At first glance, both of these sites seem overtly similar, but digging deeper, no two social media sites are the same – there is a time and a place for each.

Here at Magneto, we use both. In our industry, sites like Pinterest and Tumblr can spur inspiration and creativity – not to mention that awesome study that rules those social media breaks actually make us more productive.

Pinterest is a place where we curate work that we like on our “Packaging that Pops” and “Dashing Design” boards. It’s a quick go-to that feeds into our inner design and typography addictions.

On the other hand, Tumblr is what we call “Flotsam and Jetsam” (no, not the eels from The Little Mermaid). They’re the random finds that stimulate us and make Magneto unique.

But let’s back up and look at the big picture.

Pinterest vs. Tumblr, social media


